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Pin Point Recruitment

How to Keep Your Candidates Engaged Through the Hiring Process

A hiring process which is easy and straight forward not only keeps candidates engaged but helps you to attract and secure the right people at the right time.

Remember, engaged candidates can lead to hired staff, so keep in mind the following when creating your hiring process.

Job Descriptions

When writing the job description, clearly outline all the main aspects of the role. Include all the main benefits that you offer, such as healthcare plans, discounted gym membership, flexible working etc. as well as the salary as this offers complete transparency to the candidate making them be more inclined to apply.

Don’t make your job description too limiting by including lots of mandatory stipulations. You could run the risk of deterring candidates who would be a good fit for the role even if they don’t have all of the qualifications.

Keep Your Application Process Short & Sweet

If the application is too long, candidates will lose interest and abandon their application. Nobody wants to have to go through round upon round of interviews. Also ensure that your application is user friendly so it can be filled out on any device at any time.

If it helps, you can also insert a couple of pre-screen questions just to ensure that you are getting the right applicants through for the roles you have advertised.

Employer Branding

In the current job market, how you present yourself as a company is everything, and is the number one thing candidates will look at when applying. It is a make-or-break factor when it comes to your ability to attract and hire new members of staff.

To ensure that your company is presented in the most positive way, ask anyone who has had a good experience with your company to leave a review on the likes of Glassdoor and Google.

Candidates like to see that your company is diverse, inclusive, supports the local community and has strong environmental policies. Promote your company values through your social media platforms.

Respond to Candidates and Keep them Informed

Always aim to respond to applications in a timely manner so if a candidate is rejected, then can move onto applying for other roles without having to wait on an answer. If you take too long in replying to a candidate, you could potentially miss out on a perfect hire.

Throughout the interview process, you should be available in case candidates have any questions about the next steps or interviews.

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